Press Release: 90% of Companies Trading Online Have No Trade Mark & Are Risking Livelihoods
In 2012 a shocking number of businesses, around 90% [1] of SMEs, are putting their livelihoods at risk by trading online without a trade mark, estimates Trade Mark Direct, the UK’s leading trade mark company. It can cost a company thousands to re-brand. The cost to Frazer Evett, from Christian Clothing Alliance, who was forced to re-brand his company, as another company already owned the name, was £27,941. “This included stock we couldn’t sell, employing a designer to re-brand, re-working the website, re-ordering stationery, loss of materials and lost sales while rebranding,” said Frazer Evett. Only 30,270 [2] trade marks were registered in 2010 and this is despite over 400,555 new companies being registered [3] (financial year 2010 – 2011) and as some will be for well-established companies it shows that far less than 1 in 10 new companies are trade marking their business name. “Trading online without a trade mark is like rock climbing without a safety rope,” said founder